Saturday, May 4, 2013


Even though we are born again of the Spirit of God's power we still dwell in earthly vessels. There is no trial or temptation that you could ever face that isn't common to man. (1 Cor 10:13) In other words, we all go through times of hardship, confusion, depression, you name it. What we must never fail to realize is that these are just E-Motions.

The E is for External. It's the forces exerted by the pressures of life. If you are not strong these external forces will move you to act outside of or contrary to the character and will of God. Being a Born Again Christian doesn't make us exempt. We are still human so we are constantly exposed to these forces.

The Word however tells us how to overcome these forces. Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Rom 12:2)

Conformity is what happens when an object is molded by it's environment or some external force; like water in a container. On the other hand, Transformation is what happens when an object changes due to a force from within; like a Caterpillar in a cocoon.

As Christians, our actions should not be guided by Emotion but rather Inspiration of God. Inspiration... In-Spir-Ation, is being influenced by an internal spiritual force. In our case the Holy Spirit is that spiritual force.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God. (Rom 8:14)
We are in the world so we will feel the pressures of life but we are not of the world so we don't have to succumb to the pressure. ...because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. (1 Joh 4:4)

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